Thursday, October 22, 2009

My Favorite Place at UW

The quad is very important place for UW students. It is located in the middle of campus, and feels like the heart of the campus. It got its name from its shape, which is shaped like a square. There are many roads crossing and many trees along the road. It is beautiful when the leaves change color. I can feel the season changing. There are also lights along the road when it gets dark. On the side of the road, there is green grass. People enjoy their relaxation time in their own way, by lying down, playing Frisbee, doing yoga, reading a book, and so on. When I lie down on the grass, I can hear the gentle melodies from the music building. There are beautiful old buildings around the quad, I can feel how large and historical the campus is. As you can see, the quad is the place of recreation and relaxation for all students in UW campus.


  1. Hi Miki,

    Your definition is clear and understandable! I also like to have a relaxation time in the place which is sorrounded beatiful trees on the grass. Enjoy the time!!

  2. Hi, Miki~~ I am Hae Soo..
    Your paragragh is eaas to understand, then you described the place.
    I got information about them by reading your essay..

  3. Mami
    Thank you for posting your comment.I'm glad. Year, I like to relax at beautiful green place too. Green makes me feel relax. Especially, I recommend you take a hot drink and blanket, and sit down your favorite green pakr in the fall/winter sunny day. It would be fun!

  4. Hi Hae Soo,
    I'm glad to hear from you. There are many wonderful places in UW. I also like HUB too even though the atmosphere is defferent from Quad. Enjoy to find other favorite places in UW.
